Friday, November 12, 2010

My Florida Trip!

     I recently went on a Trip to Orlando, Florida with my family.  It was my first time going to Florida so I was really excited. Or flight left at 7 o'clock in the morning so we arrived in Orlando early.  We wanted to get tehre early because it was only a 4 day trip.  As we were flying over Orlando, it was cool to see all of the lakes, streams and rivers that all conected to eachother.  Once we landed in Orlando and the plane doors opened, you could immediatly feel the warm air from outside rushing into the plane.  Once we finally left the airport and got to our resort it was great.  Our was was huge.  Since it was a timeshare resort and they wanted us to have the best experience so we would a villa, they gave us a 2 bedroom villa with a full kitchen. 
     The resort we stayed at was huge.  It was divided into different villages, and each village had something to do.  There were about 8 pools all scattered throughout the resort.  There was also a lazy river and an 80 acre lake for water sports. It also had many arcades.  There was one area you could go to and it was called, "Waters Edge Beach Club".  This was the place on the lake.  You could go there and lay on the beach or play beach volleyball.  You couild also rent things such as boats, jet skis, and little inflatable toys. 
     The day we went to Disney was great! It was really hot and sunny out when we went.  we got there at 11 o'clock and the parking lot was already pretty full.  You have to park really far away rom the park so we had to take a train to the monorail station, then had to take the monorail to the actual park.  When we got there it was amazing.  There were people everywhere!  It was really neat to look down the main street and see all the buildings and rides off in the distance.  We went on so many rides while we were there, including one where your in log and you go down a lazy river sort of thing, then at the end you speed down a 50 foot drop and get saoked!  Later that night we went to downtown Disney.  It was packed full of people in the streets and the resturants.  After dinner we decided to walk around the streets of downtown Disney.  It was really interseting to see all the people performing.  There was this one person who was painted all red and you could go stand infront of him, and when you werent looknig he would do funny actions while someone took pictures.  When we got back to the resort that night we were worn out.
     For our last day we just went to the waterparks at the resort and got in all that we could.  We had to leave the resort by about 2:30 if we wanted to have time to eat and get to the airport. When we got to the airport I was really amused with the mopving walkways.  It is really neat when you walk on them you go really fast and feel like your running.  Once we checked in we found out our flight was going to be delayed about 2 hours.  After waiting for an hour or so a plane came and we got on that one.
     When we got back to Buffalo it was freezing cold and i was not happy at all.


  1. this is cool.
    sounds like fun.
    however, i hope you DIDNT have fun.
    because you always rub it in my face that i didn't get the opportunity to go to flordia.
    therefore, shut up!!!! about this trip because you are fully aware that I am very jealous. HOWEVER, when i get home with a beautiful tan and everybody wants to be my friend, I shall leave you in the dust because you rubbed it in my face that you went to Flordia and I didn't. So, the moral of the story is .....

  2. HAHAH! whatever makes you feel better but a tan?! you aint gonna get a tan! you white you white you will come back looking like a lobster
